Mudras and Mantras

So what is a mudra or a mantra?

The word “mudra” means “seal”. Most mudras are formed using the fingers and the hands. Mudras have a symbolic meaning, they stimulate the reflex points of the hands and help control the flow energy in the body. Especially Chin mudra where we bring our thumb and index finger together. This mudra really helps us to stay focused.

“Mantra” is a Sanskrit word that can be broken down to “man” meaning mind and “tra” meaning liberation. So the word “mantra” actually means “liberation of the mind”. To make is easy a mantra is a sound or vibration we speak out or sing. Chanting mantras are often used during meditation, because it helps to focus quit the mind. To really get you into a deep state of self awareness.

Mantras are often used as little sentences like ‘i accept myself’ or ‘i trust the universe’. In a more yogic way we use Aum, So Ham, Lam,.. and so further on during meditations. These are the most commonly known mantras. They are also symbols that have certain power like for example, when you create a vibration, it will attract some vibrations and at the same time repel others.



Yoga and food