Why I don’t drink alcohol (anymore)

In 2020 I made a very conscious decision to cut back on alcohol. And here’s a little story about how it went and how it may help you too. (To be very clear I have zero judgment towards ppl who drink. You do you. Always.)

This decision developed out of a very dark period in my life. I was living in survival mode every day. I would wake up and feel anxious about what was coming, my body was failing on me and I felt like I wasn’t worth to live a happy life. Drinking alcohol would only suppress these emotions and make them worse after. So I gave up on alcohol for a few months.

After that period I did have alcohol every now and then, more as a social thing. I would drink one glass of champagne (as my dad is very much into it) or a cocktail, glass of wine on a night out or dinner date. 

In June 2022 I had a very fun night out in Lissabon where I decided to drink. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been drinking. Anyway this was an amazing fun night and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. But the days after this toxic feeling haunted me like crazy. My mind was going insane and I couldn’t sleep well, my energy was low, I had very dark thoughts and life just felt like I was back where I started my healing journey 3 years ago.

This is when I decided. I am done with it. Alcohol is a poison for my body, mind and soul. Now I’m almost 10 months sober and this has by far been one of the best decisions of my life. My mind is much clearer, my body and skin feel and look healthier, I am stronger and life is just so real. Again no judgment in anyone who does drink. I feel like it’s such a topic where people feel attacked. In the modern world of today there are so many alcohol free options that it just becomes the new ‘normal’.

Here are some tips if you are experiencing dark mindset episodes, sleeplessness, sluggishness, … after drinking.

Nr 1: Know your why.

Your why can go in both ways, why do you want to get sober and why do you drink? Write on it and be clear for yourself. How does drinking really make you feel and who do you think you would feel if you didn’t. 

Nr 2: Discover new environments and hobbies.

Try new hobbies, you’ll eventually end up getting to know new people and new people create new energy. Discovering your current environment will also help to reflect where things can go overboard and how you consume alcohol.

Nr 3: Find your support system.

Giving up on drinking can feel very isolating in the beginning. You’re probably already worried about what people will think or judge. Let me give you a pet on the shoulder, it’s going to be fine, this is YOUR choice. There are lots of people who will have your back through this. I promise. They could be family, friends, your therapist, coach,.. Positive support persons are those who recognise your goals and stand by you as you work to accomplish them. They’re the people you feel safe being vulnerable with, and you trust to hold you accountable.  

I hope this was useful, if it can help you or a friend pls share it with them. Let them know you support them.

Love, Linds


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